Hermeneutic Monuments
Acrylic and Pigment on canvas
Dimensions vary
Garcia Frankowski’s work focuses on the materialist and dialectical imperatives of abstract, historical and symbolic manifestations of language. Their work with installations, objects, images, performance, and film explores the ethical, aesthetic and political content of images and their networks of ideological relationships.
Garcia Frankowski
Garcia Frankowski is an artist collective founded by Puerto Rican artist, architect, author and theorist Cruz Garcia (b.1983, San Juan) and French-Scottish artist, architect, author and poet Nathalie Frankowski (b.1985, Dundee).
Garcia & Frankowski are also co-founders of Beijing-based WAI Architecture Think Tank and founding directors, and curators of Intelligentsia Gallery 智先 画廊, an alternative space for the conception and diffusion of ideas and their manifestation in the realm of contemporary art.
The work of Cruz Garcia and Nathalie Frankowski has been selected to be presented at the 1stChicago Architecture Biennial, the inaugural Changjian International Photography & Video Biennale, and the Venice Architecture Biennale. Their works have been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions around the world, including at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York, the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein, the Chongqing Changjian Museum of Contemporary Art, the Kunst-Werke KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin, Intelligentsia Gallery 智先 画廊, PIFO New Art Gallery 偏锋新艺术空间, Star Gallery 星空间, Center for Contemporary Art, and Unicorn Center for Art in Beijing, Bank in Shanghai the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) in Manchester, and in shows in Barcelona, Madrid, London, Dusseldorf, Paris, Dublin, Porto, Lisbon, Moscow, Venice, Bergen, Milan, Helsinki, Brussels, Prague, Zurich, Lausanne, Istanbul, San Juan, New York, Los Angeles, Columbus, Houston, Chicago, Guadalajara, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Montevideo, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Osaka, Sydney, Melbourne and more.
Their theories and works have been presented in lectures in institutions in Beijing, Shanghai, Graz, Munich, Weimar, Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, San Juan and more. Their critical texts and manifestoes have been published in journals, magazines and books around the world and have been translated to Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, German and more.
Part of Garcia and Frankowski’s work includes the creation of original architecture, artist’s and children’s books.
Recent publications include Shapes, Islands, Text: A Garcia Frankowski Manifesto (Sevilla: Vibok Works, 2014), Pure Hardcore Icons: A Manifesto on Pure Form in Architecture (Artifice Books on Architecture: London, 2013), the children's book The Story of the Little Girl and The Sun, several artist books including The Book of Shapes and the self-published WAIzine What About It? , a public resource on The National Art Library of the Victoria & Albert Museum in London and part of the collection of Archizines .
For queries intelligentsia.gallery@gmail.com
Garcia Frankowski由波多黎各艺术家、建筑师、作家和理论家Cruz Garcia(1983,圣胡安)与法裔苏格兰艺术家、建筑师、作家和诗人Nathalie Frankowski(1985,敦提)建立。
Garcia和Frankowski同时创立了 WAI建筑智囊团,也是 Intelligentsia Gallery(智先画廊)的创立人和策展人。智先画廊为先锋艺术家提供概念和创造空间,宣扬对当代艺术的批判性思考。
Cruz Garcia和Nathalie Frankowski的作品在多个重要展览中展出,包括第一届芝加哥建筑双年展、长江国际摄影和影视双年展和威尼斯建筑双年展。他们的作品以个展和集体展的形式在世界各地展出,包括了纽约的现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)、纽约的艺术建筑空间Storefront、法国莱茵的威达设计博物馆、重庆长江当代艺术博物馆、柏林KW当代艺术协会、智先画廊、偏锋新艺术空间、星空间、当代艺术中心和北京的独角兽艺术中心、曼彻斯特的中国当代艺术中心。展出过的城市包括了巴塞罗那、马德里、伦敦、巴黎、都柏林、波尔图、里斯本、莫斯科、威尼斯、卑尔根、米兰、赫尔辛基、布鲁塞尔、布拉格、苏黎世、洛桑、伊斯坦布尔、圣胡安、纽约、洛杉矶、哥伦布、休士顿、芝加哥、瓜达拉哈拉、布宜诺斯艾利斯、圣地亚哥、蒙得维的亚、北京、伤害、香港、东京、大阪、悉尼、墨尔本等等。
近期的出版有《形状、岛屿、文字:一部Garcia Frankowski宣言》(塞维利亚:Vibok工作室,2014),《建筑纯形图标:一部关于纯粹形式的建筑宣言》(Artifice建筑出版社,伦敦,2013),一部儿童图书名为:《小女孩和太阳的故事》,几部艺术书:《形式之书》和个人自己出版的《WAI杂志》。他们的作品在伦敦的维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆国家艺术馆中成为藏品,也是世界轮回Archizine杂志展的成员之一。
Solo Exhibitions
Post-Novis, Maple St. Construct, Omaha, USA. (in collaboration with Luis Othoniel Rosa, Holly Craig, Hilary Wiese, and the Post-Novis Collective)
Post-Colonial Room, Fold Gallery, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, USA.
It’s the sound of the future, she said. Listening to the Cliquetis of the wind through the cornfields. 那是未来的声音她说 聆听着风飒飒地掠过那一片玉米田地 , Intelligentsia Gallery 智先 画廊, Beijing, China.
Utopia Room, Condenser, Beijing, China.
Palace of Megaliths, Art Festival, Shenyang, China.
Room of Manifestoes, Arch+ Displays, Kunst-Werke KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany.
Garcia Frankowski: Diptych 双联画, Live At, Intelligentsia Gallery 智先 画廊, Beijing, China
Notes on a Spatial Poem, Foundation for Contemporary Art
Garcia Frankowski: Experiments on Form, Intelligentsia Gallery 智先 画廊, Beijing, China.
It's the Sound of the Future, She Said, Installation, Beijing 智先 画廊, China
Pure Hardcore Icons: Manifesto Exhibition, The Factory, Beijing, China
Walls Islands Frames Mirrors (Joint), CU Space 798 Art District, Beijing, China
What About It?, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
What About It?, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
What About It?, CU Space 798 Art District, Beijing, China
Selected Group Exhibitions
Form is a Habit-Forming Drug, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing (upcoming)
Daily Formalism《每日形式》 ,BANK, Shanghai
The Materialist Postscript, Galerie Philine Cremer, Dusseldorf, Germany
Super Fetish, Ying Space, Beijing, China.
A Great Event is in the Making. But No One Has Noticed. Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing, China.
The Silence of Sirens, 1 House, Beijing, China
Manifestoes, Embassies, Refugees, Proyecto Casamario, Montevideo, Uruguay
0.10, Unicorn Centre for Art, Beijing, China
The State of Art of Architecture, Chicago Architecture Biennial, Chicago, USA.
Skeleton Infill, BCAC, Beijing, China.
NEWNEWSPEAK 新新话, C-Space, Beijing, China.
Real / Unreal: 1st Changjian Photography & Video Biennale, Changjian Museum of Contemporary Art, Chongqin, China.
Drifting, Unicorn Centre for Art, Beijing, China.
Rhetorical Materialism 关于物质性的修辞, CCA, Beijing, China.
The Sublime Object 崇高客体,Star Gallery 星空间, Beijing, China.
A Victory Over Nothingness: Purse Snatch in Streetcar and Other Post Fevralist Absurdities, Intelligentsia Gallery 智先 画廊, Beijing, China.
Archizines, Tsvetnoy Central Market, Moscow, Russia.
Archizines, Archizoom, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Archizines, Architecture Center Houston, Houston, USA.
'2014 The Seventh Abstract Art Exhibition, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China.
Paper Manifestoes, Quanyechang, Beijing, China.
The Vestige of Architecture, Mingtai Space, Beijing, China.
Dialectical Territories: Landscapes and Abstraction, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing, China.
The Voice Currency: Making Community, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA), Manchester, UK.
Archizines Shanghai, Shanghai Study Centre University of Hong Kong, Shanghai, China.
Cut ‘n’ Paste: From Architectural Assemblage to Collage City, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, USA.
Typo: Artistas Emergentes (TYPO Emering Artists), La Productora, Santurce, Puerto Rico.
Archizines, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Michigan, USA.
Archizines, It’s Open, Istanbul, Turkey.
Public Works, Chicago, USA.
Fundação Serra Henriques, Lisbon, Portugal.
IUAV / Various venues, Venice, Italy.
Vitra Design Museum ,Weil am Rhein, Germany.
Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Perloff Gallery, UCLA Architecture and Urban Design, Los Angeles.
UTS / Object: Australian Design Centre, Sydney, Australia.
RMIT Design Hub, Melbourne, Australia.
Irish Architecture Foundation / NCAD Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
Banvard Gallery, Knowlton School of Architecture, Columbus (OH), USA.
Magazine Library X, Tokyo, Japan
Archizines + Arch-Art! Books, Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York, USA.
Archizines Santiago, Centro Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile.
Spazio FMG per l’architettura, Milan, Italy.
Otrascosas de Villar-Rosàs, Barcelona, Spain.
Do You Read Me?!, Berlin, Germany.
Faculty of Architecture, Porto University (FAUP), Porto, Portugal.
design museum de seing de>, Osaka, Japan.
Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture, Paris, France.
KUAD TUAD gaien campus, Tokyo, Japan.
Artek Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
Faculté d’architecture La Cambre-Horta (ULB), Brussels, Belgium.
Faculty of Architecture, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Archizines, Architectural Association, London, UK.
Post Post Post: Nuevas Arquitecturas Iberoamericanas Exhibition, Universidad de la República en Montevideo, Uruguay
Unplanned: Research and Experiments at the Urban Scale, Superfront Gallery, Los Angeles, USA.
Post Post Post: Nuevas Arquitecturas Iberoamericanas Exhibition, Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires (CCEBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Books, Artist Books and Magazines
Shapes, Islands, Texts: A Garcia Frankowski Manifesto, Vibok Works, Sevilla, Spain.
The Book of Shapes (Artist Book), Beijing, China
The Story of the Little Girl and The Sun, Beijing, China
The Book of Icons (Artist Book), Beijing, China.
Pure Hardcore Icons: A Manifesto on Pure Form in Architecture, Artifice Books on Architecture, London, UK.
What About It? Part 2, Beijing, China. Numbered Edition of 100. WAIzine 2 Online Edition
What About It? Part 1, Beijing, China. Numbered Edition of 50. WAIzine 1 Online Edition
Selected International Publications and Catalogs
Selected International Publications
‘Lazar Khidekel’s Landscapes at the End of the World’, Avery Review (upcoming)
‘Totems Without Qualities’, Parasite 2.0: Primitive Future Office, Plug In, Roma
‘Super Fetish’, Ying Space, Beijing
‘Question Everything’, Gem Barton , Don’t Get a Job, Make a Job: How to Make it as a Creative Graduate, Lawrence King
‘The Fundamental Acts: Life, Education, Ceremony, Love, Death’,
“Narrative Architektur: Ein Manifest” GAM 11: Archiscripts, Graz
“Palace of Failed Optimism” GAM 11: Archiscripts, Graz
“Suprematicsm, Cynism, Marxism (In Private Schools)”, Horizonte Journal for Architectural Discourse 10, Weimar
“Intelligentsia Zine No.2”, Intelligentsia, Beijing
“Intelligentsia Zine No.1”, Intelligentsia, Beijing
“Das Manifest des Hardcorismus”, Arch+, Hardcore Architektur Heft 2: Politik versus Form, Issue +215, Berlin & Aachen, Germany.
“Die zeitgenössischen Formen von Hardcore-Architektur”, Arch+, Hardcore Architektur Heft 2: Politik versus Form, Issue +215, Berlin & Aachen, Germany.
“Institute of Optimistic Architectures”, Arch+, Hardcore Architektur Heft 2: Politik versus Form, Issue +215, Berlin & Aachen, Germany.
Cover, Arch+, Hardcore Architektur Heft 2: Politik versus Form, Issue +215, Berlin & Aachen, Germany.
Cover, Arch+, Issue +214, “Hardcore Architektur Heft 1: Das nicht gehaltene versprechen”, Berlin & Aachen, Germany.
“Project 1984”, Studio Magazine No. 6, Milan, Italy.
‘Op-Ed #2: Cruz Garcia / Nathalie Frankowski (WAI Architecture Think Tank: Manifesto Without Qualities’, 18 August 2014, State of Exception. http://spacelab.it/stateofexception/op-ed-2-cruz-garcianathalie-frankowski-wai-architecture-think-tank-manifesto-without-qualities/
‘Um manifesto por icons e arquiteturas inspiradas pela forma’, trad. Arthur Stofella, 7 June 2014, ArchDaily. https://www.archdaily.com.br/br/620376/um-manifesto-por-icones-e-arquiteturas-inspiradas-pela-forma
Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski. “A Manifesto For Icons and Architecture Infatuated By Form” 04 May 2014. ArchDaily. Accessed 16 Feb 2016. https://www.archdaily.com/502728/a-manifesto-for-icons-and-architecture-infatuated-by-form/
‘Pure Hardcore Icons: Entendiendo el puro hardcorismo iconico’, 8 July 2014, Revista Plot.
“Narrative Architecture: A Manifesto”, Volume Magazine, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
“Wall Stalker”, Volume Magazine No.36, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
“Manifiesto de Arquitectura Narrativa”, Desierto Magazine No.1, Madrid, Spain.
“Wall Stalker / Blindness”, Revista Cruce Num. 2, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Walls, Islands, Frames, Mirrors Exhibition Catalog, Beijing, China.
“Pure Hardcorism”, Horizonte Magazine No. 5: Fetish, Weimar, Germany.
“Lazar Khidekel and the Possibility of a Revolutionary Architecture”, Studio Magazine No. 3: Icon , Milan, Italy.
“Project 1984”, Zawia Magazine No.0: Change, Cairo, Egypt.
“Cronica de dos comunas fallidas”, Revista Cruce, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
“Megastructures are the Shopping Malls of the Avant-Garde”, Studio Magazine No. 2: Original, Milan, Italy.
“La arquitectura de la fotografía: conversación con Simona Rota”, Revista Cruce, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
What About It? Exhibition Catalog, Beijing, China.
‘What About the Aesthetics of Dirt? A Manifesto for Contemporary Urban Design’, 30 January 2012, On Site Review.
“What About It?”, Archizines Exhibition Catalog, Bedford Press: London, UK.
“Post(card) Ideological Icons”, Monu Magazine on Urbanism No. 15: Post Ideological Urbanism, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
“The Aesthetics of Dirt”, On Site Magazine No. 26: Dirt , Alberta, Canada.
“The Tourist”, Revista Informa V, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
“Cities of the Avant-Garde”, Conditions Magazine No. 8: Preparing for the Unknown, Oslo, Norway.
“The Story of the Tower”, Unplanned: Research and Experiments at the Urban Scale Exhibition Catalog, Los Angeles, USA.
“Beijing Dreaming”, Revista Informa IV, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
“What About the Burning Icon?”, Conditions Magazine No. 5/6, Oslo, Norway.
“Vertical Omotesando”, Mark Magazine No. 27, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
“Vertical Omotesando”, Concept Magazine No. 133, Seoul, South Korea.
“WAI Architecture Think Tank”, Damdi Portfolio, Seoul, South Korea.
“What About WAI? A Year Asking What About It?”, Revista Arq.I.Tec 4.3, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
“What About Glamour”, Conditions Magazine No.3, Oslo Norway.
“Rendering the Clean”, Monu Magazine on Urbanism No. 11, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
“The Shapes of Hardcore Architecture”, Conditions Magazine No. 2, Oslo, Norway.
“Advanced City Camouflage”, Monu Magazine on Urbanism No. 6, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The Materialist Postscript, Galerie Philine Cremer, Dusseldorf
A Great Event is in the Making. But No One Has Noticed, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing
OOO / Object Oriented Ontology, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing
Super Fetish, Ying Space, Beijing
“0.10”, Unicorn Centre for Art, Beijing
“Not a State, but an Artists’ Colony”, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing
“Pavilion of Comrades”, Intelligentsia Gallery for The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale, Beijing
“Paper Manifestoes”, Co-curated with Hao Chen and Geisel Cabrera, The Factory, Beijing
“The Yellow Ones are Mine”, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing.
“What is Matter?”, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing.
“Embassies, Refugees, Manifestoes”, Proyecto Casamario, Montevideo, Uruguay
“Newnewspeak”, C-Space, Beijing.
“The Sublime Object”, Star Galler, Beijing.
“The Yellow Ones are Mine”, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing
“Rhetorical Materialism”, CCA, Beijing.
“Twisted Modernist Fantasies”, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing.
“What is Matter?” Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing.
“Paper Manifestoes”, Co-curated with Hao Chen and Liu Zhijue, Beijing Design Week, Quanyechang, Beijing.
“Superfold: Connective Multiplicities or Coiling ad infinitum”, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing.
“The Map and the Territory: Ontological Boundaries”, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing.
“Softcore: Subverted Superstructure or the Systemic Sublime”, Co-curated with Sophie Salamon, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing.
“Semiotic Preoccupations: Object, Signs, and symbols”, Intelligentsia Gallery, Beijing.
Solo Exhibitions
Utopia Room, Condenser, Beijing, China.
Palace of Megaliths, Art Festival, Shenyang, China.
Room of Manifestoes, Arch+ Displays, Kunst-Werke KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany.
Garcia Frankowski: Diptych 双联画, Live At, Intelligentsia Gallery 智先 画廊, Beijing, China
Notes on a Spatial Poem, Foundation for Contemporary Art
Garcia Frankowski: Experiments on Form, Intelligentsia Gallery 智先 画廊, Beijing, China.
It’s the Sound of the Future, She Said, Installation, Beijing 智先 画廊, China
Pure Hardcore Icons: Manifesto Exhibition, The Factory, Beijing, China
Walls Islands Frames Mirrors (Joint), CU Space 798 Art District, Beijing, China
What About It?, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
What About It?, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
What About It?, CU Space, Beijing, China
Selected Reviews and Interviews
Josh Feola, ‘Intelligent Design’ Time Out Beijing, Beijing, China, February 2016
Josh Feola, ‘Interview: Nathalie Frankowski and Cruz Garcia of Intelligentsia Gallery’, 15 February 2016.
Aaron Betsky, Architecture of the Unreal and Hyper-Real, Architect Magazine. March 8, 2016.
Cathy Lang Ho, The Big Ideas Behind the Chicago Biennial, Architect Magazine, November 10, 2015.
Jamier Matroos, ‘WAI Architects: Architecture as tool for addressing social issues’, Design Indaba, Cape Town, South Africa, 22 January 2016
Carmen G. Diaz, ‘Construccion Continua’, El Nuevo Dia: Por Dentro, San Juan, Puerto Rico , 18 January 2014.
Carmen G. Diaz, ‘El vigor tiene forma’, El Nuevo Dia: Por Dentro, San Juan, Puerto Rico , 18 January 2014.
Eileen Rivera Esquilin, ‘Ingenio boricua se eleva en China’, El Nuevo Dia, San Juan, Puerto Rico 19 November 2011
Simon Zhou, ‘Preview Live At’, Time Out Beijing, May 2015
Amelia Taylor-Hoohberg, ‘Next Up Mini-Session #15: WAI Architecture Think Tank’, Interview by Paul Petrunia, Archinect, 11 December 2015. https://archinect.com/news/article/143152913/next-up-mini-session-15-wai-architecture-think-tank
‘AR_EA China: WAI Architecture Think Tank: Every Tool offers different potential and possibilities’, 20 November 2015, The Architectural Review. https://www.architectural-review.com/area/every-tool-offers-different-potential-and-possibilities/8691247.article?blocktitle=AR_EA-Australasia&contentID=14490
Florian Heilmeyer, ‘Where Ideas Go to Die: The Palace of Failed Optimism’, Uncube Magazine No. 38, 2015. http://www.uncubemagazine.com/magazine-38-16130073.html#!/page44
Brendan Cormier, ‘DIY Publishing: An Interview with What About It’, 17 March 2011, Pop Up City. https://popupcity.net/diy-publishing-an-interview-with-what-about-it/
Paula Alvarez, ‘Editor Talks: WAI’, 26 February 2015, Zeroundicipiu. http://www.zeroundicipiu.it/2015/02/26/editor-talks-wai/
Elias Redstone, Archizines, Bedford Press, London, UK , 2011
‘Room of Manifestoes’, KW Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art Program, Berlin, Germany, Juni, Juli, August 2015
Beijing Design Week Guide Book, Beijing, China, 2013 pp.360-631
Beijing Design Week Guide Book, Beijing, China, 2014 p. 542
‘WAI Architecture Think Tank: Narrative Architecture’, Chicago Architecture Biennial Guidebook, Chicago, USA, 2015 p.89
Clam Magazine, Paris, France, 2012
Ethel Baraona Pohl, ‘From Line to HyperReality’, Domus China No. 068, Beijing, China, 2010
‘The Story of the Tower’, Unplanned: Research and Experiments at the Urban Scale, Superfront, Los Angeles, USA. pp. 138-143
‘WAI Architecture Think Tank’, Damdi Portfolio, Damdi, Seoul, Korea, 2009
Sebastian Paredes, “ ¿Versus Venecia? Acerca de la primera Bienal de Arquitectura de Chicago” , Ediciones Arq, No. 91, Santiago de Chile, 2015 accessed 16 Feb 2016 http://www.edicionesarq.cl/2015/versus-venecia/
Chen Xi, ‘Critic’s Pick Softcore Subverted Superstructure and the Systemic Sublime’, 18 October 2014, Artforum. https://artforum.com.cn/archive/6843#
Huang Lifeng, ‘0.10’, Artspy, 21 November 2015. Accessed 16 Feb 2016 http://www.artspy.cn/html/video/1/1737.html
Ellie Stathaki, ‘Big bang: the inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial Open its doors’, 7 October 2015, Wallpaper Magazine,. https://www.wallpaper.com/architecture/big-bang-the-inaugural-chicago-architecture-biennial-opens-its-doors
Luise Rellensmann, ‘Bücher im BauNetz: Pure Hardcore Icons: A Manifesto on Pure Form in Architecture’, 10 March 2014, Baunetz. https://www.baunetz.de/meldungen/Meldungen-Buecher_im_BauNetz_3490845.html
Luise Rellensmann, ‘Bücher im BauNetz: Horizonte 10: Widerstand / Resistance’, 18 January 2016, Baunetz.
Sarah Gascone, Chicago Announces 64 Participants for Country’s First Architecture Biennial, 14 April 2015, Artnet.
Jessica A.S. Letaw, Chicago Architecture Biennial: The Definitive Visitor’s Guide, 17 October 2015, Archinect.
Samantha Culp, China’s Top Design Talent Descends on Beijing, 26 September 2014, T Magazine, New York Times.
Luis Ponce, ‘Cruce y Cruz: entrevista en tres partes al Arq. Cruz Garcia(parte 1)’, 2012, Revista Cruce.
Luis Ponce, ‘Cruce y Cruz: entrevista en tres partes al Arq. Cruz Garcia(parte 2)’, 2012, Revista Cruce.
Luis Ponce, ‘Cruce y Cruz: entrevista en tres partes al Arq. Cruz Garcia(parte 3)’, 2012, Revista Cruce.
‘2015 Chicago Architecture Biennial Events 12-18 October’, 13 October 2015, Design Applause.
Lauren Grieco, WAI Architecture: What About It?, 14 September 2011, Designboom.
‘Elegia de la Isla Sostenible’, Corriente Verde Vol 6 No. 02, San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 2015
Paula Alvarez, Entrevista a Garcia Frankowski / WAI Think Tank, 12 October 2013, Vibok Works.
Ethel Baraona Pohl, ‘From Line to Hyperreality’, 12 March 2012, Domus.
Li Qin, ‘Garcia Frankowski’, July 2015, Artist Review. www.weixinrensheng.com/vu670mr/
Aaron Betsky, Hardcorism Remains Soft, 8 August 2012, Architect Magazine.
Wang Danyi, ‘商场多了个艺术空间 CCA首展呈现“关于物质的修辞性’ , 5 April, 2015, HI-Art.
‘WAI Think Tank Narrative Architecture: A Manifesto’, Paper Architecture Histamine.
Alison Meier, ‘Remaking the City with Architectural Collage’, 16 July 2013, Hyperallergic.
Josh Feola, ‘Inside Intelligentsia Gallery’, 12 June 2014, Smart Beijing.
Ethel Baraona Pohl, ‘L’ordre des Simulacres: What if Capitalism has finally conquered our Utopias?’, 8 May 2011, DPR-Barcelona. https://dprbcn.wordpress.com/2011/05/08/lordre-des-simulacres/
Alessandro Rolandi, ‘L’art en ligne existe-t-il?’, 2 December 2015, Asialyst. https://asialyst.com/fr/2015/12/02/l-art-en-ligne-existe-t-il/
Jacob Dreyer, ‘What About It?, 10 November 2014, LifeStyle. https://www.lifestylecn.com/what-about-it/
Holly O’Dell, ‘Moscow’s National Center for Contemporary Art Announces Shortlist for New Building’, 10 October 2013, Contract Design. https://www.contractdesign.com/news/Moscows-National-Ce-9631.shtml
New NCCA Building: Exhibition, NCCA. http://www.ncca.ru/en/events.text?filial=6&id=1333
Ethel Baraona Pohl, ‘Paper Architecture: Palaces of Words…Between Poetry and Architecture’, 29 July 2012, DPR-Barcelona. https://dprbcn.wordpress.com/2012/07/29/paper-architecture/
‘Chicago Architecture Biennial: Participants Announced’,E-Flux. https://www.e-flux.com/announcements/participants-announced/
‘群展《新新话》——C-空间与智先画廊协同呈现’, 30 July 2015, Artifeng. http://art.ifeng.com/2015/0730/2447531.shtml
Andrew Chin, ‘Preview: Shanghai International Literary Festival’, 21 October 2015, That’s Shanghai. https://www.thatsmags.com/shanghai/post/11382/preview-shanghai-international-literary-festival
Josh Feola, ‘Primer: Beijing Design Week 2014’, 22 September 2014, Smart Beijing.
‘Russia’s NCCA releases a shortlist for its new building’, 3 October 2013, Baibakov Art Projects.
‘Top 5 Openings for your Berlin Art Weekend’, 18 June 2015, Art Berlin. http://www.artberlin.de/top-5-jun-18-2015/
DJ Furth, ‘WAI Architecture Shortlisted for Moscow’s NCCA’, 27 January 2014, Creative Hunt BJ.
‘WAI Architecture Think Tank’, Chicago Architecture Biennial.
Ethel Baraona Pohl, ‘Wall Stalkers: Revisiting The Zone’, 6 November 2010, DPR-Barcelona.
Yang Beichen, ‘500 Words:夏彦国谈“活的”’, interview with Xia Yanguo 27 May 2015, Artforum. https://artforum.com.cn/words/7939
Sherry, ‘我去画廊看展览开幕,结果艺术家摔伤请假了没来’, 3 May 2015, Vice China.
‘What is Matter? At Intelligentsia Gallery’, 25 June 2015, ArtNews.
Dominique Wong, ‘Where Art Thou? The Insider’s Guide to Art Spaces in Beijing,’ Smart Biejing, February 2015.
Edward Sanderson, ‘Interventionist Curatorial and Display Practices in Beijing’, Journal of Curatorial Studies Vol. 4 No. 1, Bristol, UK, 2015 pp. 142-162.
Simon Zhou, Cat Nelson, ‘The Time Out Art Tour’, Time Out Beijing, June 2015.
Zandie Brockett, Two Roads Diverged: The Beijing International, 8 June 2015, Leap No. 32, Beijing, China. https://leapleapleap.com/2015/06/two-roads-diverged-the-beijing-international/
Garcia Frankowski
Is it possible to work with the limits of language? Can we explore the internal processes of creation and interpretation of thoughts through sensory modalities? History provides events as evidence and speculation about strategies and stratagems of regimes of language. In an aim to strip language to its fundamental thought processes, we must explore the relationship and conflicts between signifier and signified, while dissecting the possible experiential interpretations of codes and compositions in their most basic manifestations, and in their most complex assemblages. We must challenge the socio-cultural baggage attached to symbols and signs in order to strip language from its ideological functions and their perfunctory automation. In a world politicized by materialism, nothing as a thought might be the ultimate utopia. Language must be free.
Garcia Frankowski是一个致力于寻求普遍性和崇高性的艺术合作体。他们利用油画、装置、表演、出版、图像、多媒体、拼贴画、文字、诗歌和空间构成来讨论有关虚无的可能性。Garcia Frankowski认为艺术应当更自由地去寻求终极的自主性。他们有目的地构建一个有关虚无的系统,它容纳了指代与被指,客观与主观,作为一个超越现实的客体,这个系统对当代变迁无常的社会的影响免疫;建立在唯物对话上的绝对权威。Garcia Frankowski以无形创作虚无。